Semi-Retire Shita Boukensha wa Nonbiri Kurashitai
Semi-Retire Shita Boukensha wa Nonbiri Kurashitai
Chapter: 18

Semi-Retire Shita Boukensha wa Nonbiri Kurashitai

Alternative Name: セミリタイアした冒険者はのんびり暮らしたい

Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Shounen, Slice of Life

Author(s): HISAGUSHI En Artist(s): Unknown
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Released: Unknown Type: Manga Status: Ongoing Total Views: 1059

魔国との戦争の最前線にいた若き凄腕冒険者・ヘンリー。トップクラスの能力を持つ彼は、とある理由で後方の安全な街に拠点を移した。それは……のどかな余生を過ごすため! 「花と水の都」で始まる、第二の人生、ここに開幕!

Google Translate : Henry, a young adventurer who was at the forefront of the war with the demons. With top-class abilities, he moved to a safer city behind him for some reason. That is … to spend the rest of my life! The second life, which begins with “City of Flowers and Water”, begins here!