The Enchanting Villainess
The Enchanting Villainess
Chapter: 105

The Enchanting Villainess

Alternative Name: 악역 공주님의 생존계획, The Evil Sorceress Plans to Survive! (2021), The evil witch's survival plan, The Villainess's Survival Plan, План спасения злодейки, 反派魔女自救计划 (2021), 악역 공주님의 생존계획

Genre(s): Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Shoujo

Author(s): Chengzi, Hotread Artist(s): Unknown
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Released: Unknown Type: Manhua Status: Ongoing Total Views: 1590

어릴 때부터 잦은 병치레로 힘겨운 인생을 보내는 ‘안소유’는 오늘도 병상에서 독서를 하며 마음을 달랜다.

그녀가 요즘 열심히 읽는 <제국의 기사님이 날 사랑해>는 어느덧 최종장만을 남겨두고 있었다.

하지만 안소유는 최종장을 읽기 전 수술에 들어가게 되고, 그녀는 마지막 장을 읽기 위해서라도 꼭 수술을 잘 이겨내리라 결심하며 수술대에 오른다.

그런데 얼마 후 그녀가 눈을 뜬 곳은… 수술실이 아닌, 그녀가 읽던 ‘책 속’이었다! 그

것도 책 속 ‘악역 조연’에 빙의한 것! 자신이 빙의한 인물이 얼마나 지독한 악녀로 살았는지 누구보다 잘 아는 안소유는, 어렵게 얻은 두 번째 생을 지켜보려는 일념으로 생존 플랜을 세우게 된다.

제국의 문화, 습관, 그리고 역사까지… 공부할 게 산더미지만, 무엇보다 가장 적응하기 힘든 건 자신의 친부이자 황제의 폭정과 싸늘한 눈이다.

물론 자기 딸에겐 한없이 자상한 아버지인데, 어쩐지 그게 더 무서운 것 같기도 하다.

그녀는 무사히 생존할 수 있을까?!

Ophelia’s destined to be the antagonist of the story, persecuted for her wicked ways and lack of magical powers… until she gets a second chance. Aware of her fate, she makes amends for her notorious reputation and gathers allies, including the heroine, who’s also her half-sister. How will her destiny change once these former rivals become best friends and she saves the lives of her father and steadfast bodyguard? If a visit from a strange spirit is an indicator, things are no longer by the book!